Organization Profile

What is TKIC?

Tarbiya Tul-Khairiya Islamic Centre is a religious organization that was officially registered on 4th October, 2021 under the Societies Act (CAP. 337 R.E 2002).The headquarters’ offices of the organization are found at Miembeni Street, Vingunguti Ward, Dar Es Salaam City in Tanzania. The major aim of TKIC is to empower the community to fight against poverty, by participating in all the activities that leads to sustainable socio – economic development of their society. The most targeted group here are orphans,widows, children and the old aged men and women living under difficult condition.


Our mission is to improve the quality of life of the local communities through sustainable local development initiatives in Tanzania.



TKIC goal is to support the widows, street children, orphans, youths, aged and women living under difficult condition through capacity building activities to achieve knowledge, skills, networks and motivation that will make them aim to have an improved acceptable living standard and gain human dignity and self-esteem.

Organization Activities

  1. Conducting need assessments and identify children/orphans, widows and the aged who are living under difficult conditions and link them with donors.

  2. Conducting entrepreneurship training to the widows regardless of religion, tribe or nationality.

  3. Providing Islamic religion teachings to children, women and the aged.

  4. Providing madrassa and nursery education to pre-primary aged orphans.

  5. Formulating groups of widows and link them with micro credit companies with friendly interests.

  6. Providing the widows financial education particularly serving education.

  7. Providing counselling on marriage issues and inheritance according to Islamic laws.


In the process of undertaking different activities, the organization has four running programmes which includes;

  1. TKIC Women Empowerment Program.

  2. TKIC Child Awareness Program.

  3. TKIC Vingunguti Orphanage Program.

  4. TKIC Youth Awareness Program.

Financial Management

The organization uses NMB BANK, CRDB BANK and TBZ ISLAMIC BANK as the main means of storing its money. For withdrawing purpose the organization has four signatory who are responsible. In case one of the signatory has emergence the remaining three can withdraw the money. The organization also has the accountant who is responsible for keeping all the accounting documents in the files. On top of that any payment done to the organization has to be through the bank and bank slips are handed over to the baser who is the custodian of all financial documents.

Scope of Operations

TKIC operations covers the whole country this means Tanzania main land and Tanzania highlands from the grassroots.


Organization Address

TKIC headquarters are located at Vingunguti, Dar Es Salaam city council, P.O.Box 5461, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Our aim is to establish brunches in all the districts in Tanzania. mainland and Zanzibar.


Organization Partners

TKIC works in corroboration with other institutions lake banks, micro credit companies, we are also working together with Sauti ya Quran Radio.


Funding Strategies

Membership Fee, Consultancy Fee, Fund Raising Activities, Local / National / International Donors/Funding, Donations, Projects.


Organization management

The organization is headed by Director General who is overseeing all the activities of the organization.


Focusing Areas

  1. Human Rights focusing on Women Rights and Gender.
  2. Democracy, and Civic Education.
  3. Health / Reproductive Health.
  4. Education (Informal and non formal / Skills Building).
  5. Socio-Religious, Inter-Faith Harmony and Peace

Organization Core Values

TKIC staff and management team performs their daily responsibilities while governed with the values listed here below.

  1. Honesty.
  2. Transparency.
  3. Accountability.
  4. Mutual respect.
  5. Creativity
  6. Gender sensitiveness.
  7. Cost efficiency.

TKIC Women Empowerment Program

TKIC Women Empowerment Program/Women Rights program is designed to promote and protect the women’s rights focusing on gender, women’s political participation, democracy, violence against women, domestic worker’s rights etc. The objective of this program is to improve the status of women of Dar es Salaam and Tanzania in general. It aims at organizing women in groups and enable them to take part in the development activities by educating them through awareness and advocacy programs. It also aims to provide them opportunities to gain / enhance skills like basic reading and writing, sewing, stitching, handicrafts making, embroidery, glass painting, micro-business management and marketing for their social and economical empowerment.


TKIC Child Awareness Program

TKIC initiated Children Awareness Program for the Poor families of Vingunguti. The children of Female Domestic Workers are too vulnerable as their mother did not pay fully attention to their children due to the too long duty hours. They are not able to pay fully attention for the growth and the basic needs like education, health, food and social rights. TKIC aims to Providing them Health and hygiene awareness (Both school going and out of school children), Supporting them for formal and non formal education, Promote Interactive Theatre / Street theatre to increase youth participation and Sensitize policy makers to make Child friendly policies through Advocacy Campaigns.

TKIC Vingunguti Orphanage Program

TKIC has also launched a special program for orphans in Vingunguti . Under this program the orphans are identified by the help of the local government leaders who participate on the need assessment activities which are conducted by the organization every year. The aim of this program is to ensure that orphans in Tanzania have equal opportunity on accessing health and education services. TKIC raises fund from the local community in order to ensure that orphans have everything that it takes for child to go to school.


TKIC Youth Awareness Program

The Objectives of this program is to raise the concerns of youth with the aim of providing them a platform where they can discuss their issues with each other and finds the solutions of their problems, regarding different issues particularly health / reproductive health, Peace and Harmony, democracy, political education and to exchange ideas and skills to strengthen their networking. This program also aims at identifying youth who are living under dangerous environment; it includes young girls who have employed themselves on prostitution and young boys who are dealing with drugs trafficking and drug abuses. There is another group of youth which has nicknamed itself PANYA ROAD. The main task of this group is to lob or attach anyone they meet at night sometimes they kill people if they don’t get what they targeted for. This group is the threat to people and government. The organization has started a special program of rising fund from the community for the aim of empowering youth to participate in community development programs.